Evolution STEllaire en Rotation
atm_struct | |
cmdline_parser | |
composition_map | |
configuration | |
create_double_map | |
create_matrix_map | |
diff_gl | Implements the Gauss-Lobatto (or more properly Gauss-Lobatto-Chebyshev) collocation method |
diff_leg | Implements Legendre numerical differentiation |
double_map | |
eos_struct | |
figure | |
file_parser | |
mapping | |
ext_map | |
matrix | Used to facilitate the work with regular dense matrices |
matrix_block_diag | Used to store block diagonal matrices |
matrix_map | |
matrix_map_elem | |
nuc_struct | |
opa_struct | |
rational | |
remapper | |
RKF_solver | |
SDIRK_solver | |
solver | A solver object stores a system of equation to solve |
solver_block | Stores all the equations for a given block (a block can either be a domain or a set of boundary condition) |
solver_elem | Stores one term of an equation |
solver_full | |
solver_iter | |
solver_operator | |
star1d | |
star2d | |
config_struct | |
units_struct | |
version_struct | |
star_evol | |
sym | |
sym_add | |
sym_cos | |
sym_deriv | |
sym_exp | |
sym_expr | |
sym_log | |
sym_num | |
sym_prod | |
sym_sin | |
symbol | |
sym_tens | |
sym_vec | |
symbolic | |
tiempo |